Jill Hardt, owner and head trainer is a bronze, silver and gold medalist and holds the coveted 5 star rating awarded by Centerline Scores. Having developed several horses from start to finish from their first trip down the center line to competing in FEI tests and even to international CDI competitions, she has a wealth of experience with diverse breeds and equines of all ages. She has had multiple regional champions and top 10 placings and has qualified, shown and placed at the National Dressage Finals.
She has a bachelor's degree in education and enjoys the communication and teamwork required to develop successful students. Many of her students have received their bronze and silver medals and one has gone on to graduate from the USDF L judging program with distinction. Jill is very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with some of the best trainers and instructors in U.S. and abroad. She trains with Kathy Connelly as well as Henk Van Bergen who is a frequent clinician at Tristan Oaks.
She owes a debt of thanks to many other professionals who have contributed to her understanding of this amazing sport. Among them are Anne Gribbons, Violet Hopkins, and Major Anderson Lindgren. Currently she competes two developing prospects that she has bred and or developed from their first trip down the center line. We are proud to offer instruction and training of the highest caliber in a personal and friendly facility that focuses on the individual.